The Channing Memorial Church Social Action Committee meets on the third Tuesday of every month (with the exception of July) at 7PM in the Channing House Library. All members and friends of the church are welcome to attend. For more information, contact the committee chair at or call the church office at (401) 846-0643.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Step It Up/Cool Aquidneck Island Update #27

Hi, Green Friends,
Following up on last week's item on house plants and indoor air pollution, one of our members reminds us that while buttoning up our houses and eliminating drafts, we still have to allow for adequate fresh air exchange.
Having a free Rise Energy Audit would provide for both buttoning up and air exchange. And speaking of that, a gentle reminder that our Neighborhood Energy Challenge will be kicking off at the International Day of Climate Action, October 24, 12 PM at Easton's Beach. You'll be able to sign up for the challenge there. Rise audits earn you big points! Wtch this space for more information.
Cool Aquidneck Island's David Stookey, who recently hosted a Sierra Club house party on the A.I. Transportation Study, brings us this message:
The public workshop on Aquidneck Island's Transportation Study last Tuesday was as responsive to our requests as we could have hoped. Half a dozen people spoke on topics related directly or indirectly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Not only did the consultants tell us that CO2 can and will be estimated, but Tina Dolen of the Aquidneck Island Planning Commission, the study's client, called this the defining issue of the workshop. Here is what she said on NPR the next morning.
"The most compelling message was that people were not interested in automobile trafic; they want to use alternative modes of transportation including buses, bikes, walking, etc.; and the vast majority, by far. are concerned about greenhouse gases and want to limit carbon emissions."
So? Now we need to nail those perceptions and assurances into place. Until the study team announces in writing that their goals include significant greenhouse gas reduction, we need to keep pushing for that decision. The next few months are critical, as the study's goals will be set then. If you'd like to help make sure that this is not just another plan to accommodate the automobile, check out the ideas on the Cool Aquidneck Island Wiki or contact David with your thoughts.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update workshop-Waterfront
Time: 6 to 8 PM
Location: City Hall, Broadway, Newport
Share your goals and priorities for promoting "the health and vigor of the city." Join a lively discussion about updating our Land Use Plan. The committee wants to hear your viewpoint. This second of three topical discussions addresses the waterfront.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
*NEW* A.I. Land Trust Conservation Speaker Series - Tom Wessels
Time: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: ALT Office, 790 Aquidneck Ave., Middletown
Tom Wessels isthe third and final speaker in this series.
Wessels is an ecologist and founding director of the master's degree program in Conservation Biology at Antioch University New England. He is former chair of the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation that fosters environmental leadership through graduate fellowships and organizational grants. Tom has been conducting landscape level workshops throughout the United States for over 30 years.
Tom's presentation, based on his book Reading the Forested Landscape, will start at the ALT Office and end with a walk through the forest at Miantonomi Memorial Park. It will introduce people to approaches used to interpret a forest's history while wandering through it. Using evidence such as the shapes of trees, scars on their trunks, the pattern of decay in stumps, the construction of stone walls, and the lay of the land, it is possible to unravel complex stories etched into our forested landscape.
The ALT Conservation Speaker Series is FREE and open to the public. RSVP to Jessica Pohl at mhtml:%7BF8FA2727-F8AC-4D7C-BE59-1B99A878B9F8%7Dmid://00000074/! or 401-849-2799 x 18 if you are interested in attending.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
AI Watershed Council forum on healthy water supply
Time: 10 AM
Location: O'Hare Academic Center, Salve Regina U., Newport
Salve Regina U. and AIWC are sponsoring a 1/2-day interactive forum which will launch our new Citizen Scientist Program. Public officials from the Island and other leaders on the environment will make the presentations concerning the health of our water supply and discuss ways to improve the quality and protection of our drinking water. It's shaping up to be a very exciting event!
During the conference, residents, especially children, will be encouraged to bring water samples from neighboring bodies of water to be tested by Salve students. Some results will be shared with participants that day and other, more technical studies (bacteria), are to be shared a couple days later.
The entire program is FREE and open to all who have interest. Supporters include Salve, Kiwanis International, the EPA, Save the Bay, Alliance for a Livable Newport, Aquidneck Land Trust, Clean Ocean Access, Aquidneck Island Planning Council and many others.
To make a tax-deductable contribution to the forum, send a check to Salve made out to "Salve Regina University-Water Study Project," Ochre Court, Newport, 02840.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Cool Congregations Train the Trainer Workshop
Time: 1 to 5 PM
Location: Newman Congregational Church, 100 Newman Ave, Rumfor
Help your congregation save Creation by shrinking their carbon footprint at home. Become a Cool Congregations trainer for your congregation! Come to our workshop, and help your faith community understand and reduce their households' carbon footprint. Become better stewards of Creation by understanding your own household's energy usage and learning practical steps to increased energy efficiency. It's fun and informative!
Read about the Cool Congregations program at, or at
Suggested $10 donation, but no one will be turned away.
Enroll by October 15, mhtml:%7BF8FA2727-F8AC-4D7C-BE59-1B99A878B9F8%7Dmid://00000074/!, 401-267-0029.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Bioneers the the Bay Conference
Time: 8 AM
Location: New Bedford, MA
Join us for the fifth Annual Bioneers by the Bay: Connecting for Change Conference, presented by the Marion Institute in the historic Downtown of New Bedford, MA, on October 22-25, 2009.
This is an internationally acclaimed annual gathering of environmental, industry and social justice innovators who have demonstrated visionary and practical models for restoring the Earth and its inhabitants.
Over 2,000 students, teachers, green business innovators, scientists, grassroots leaders and everyday folks from across the East Coast will gather to embrace, share, brainstorm, network, heal, learn, teach, celebrate, recharge and connect for change. We will roll up our sleeves and harvest tangible, practical solutions to the specific challenges we face here in the Northeast and the world at-large.
Learn more, and register at:
Saturday, October 24, 2009
International Day of Climate Action - Aquidneck Island
Time: 12 to 2 PM
Location: Easton's Beach, Newport
Bring pictures of your children and grandchildren to Easton's Beach! Learn how sea level rise and storm water run-off impact every aspect of our island life style and livelihood. Learn what you can do. One thing is to join the Neighborhood Energy Challenge, which we'll launch that day. We'll meet near the Rotunda for talks, music, informational booths and challenge sign-ups. Rain or shine! This event is still in development. More details to come!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Follow the Water! Streamflow and Water Availability
Time: 4 to 7 PM
Location: CCRI – Warwick Campus, Rm. 4080
The starting point for managing our state’s shared water resources is a look at how much water we have and where it is. Get a glimpse of the big picture of regional water supplies. Learn about DEM’s study of water availability in RI. Hear how the RI Water Resources Board and one local community are using this information.
The Coalition for Water Security, a partnership of many of the state's leading environmental and quality of life groups, invites you to this event, featuring: Alisa Richardson, PE, Principal Engineer, Office of Water Resources, Rhode Island DEM Mark Smith, The Nature Conservancy, Director, Eastern Freshwater Program Kenneth Burke, General Manager , RI Water Resources Board Jon Reiner, Director of Planning, Town of North Kingstown
To register or for more information contact: Jane Austin at mhtml:%7BF8FA2727-F8AC-4D7C-BE59-1B99A878B9F8%7Dmid://00000074/! or 272-3540 x123