The Channing Memorial Church Social Action Committee meets on the third Tuesday of every month (with the exception of July) at 7PM in the Channing House Library. All members and friends of the church are welcome to attend. For more information, contact the committee chair at or call the church office at (401) 846-0643.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Peacemaking - January 2010 Church Newsletter Article

I have been thinking a lot about war and peace lately. War was my profession for many years, although in keeping with the vision of Air Force General Curtis Lemay, I believed that “peace” was my profession – peace through the deterrence of armed force. This was my calling and I proudly wore “my country’s cloth” as a United States naval officer for twenty-five years. I still believe that the United States Navy is one of our country’s greatest institutions because it is the sum of many good men and women who embrace core values that I cherish – Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Those core values informed how I led the Sailors at Guantanamo. I hope those core values will inform how I teach young children in my new career as a public school educator.

And yet, because of my professional education and experience, I have become a pacifist. I chose this path not out of naivetĂ© or hopeless dreams but because I came to realize that there is no such thing as a truly just war and that there are alternatives to armed conflict that we seldom explore but are no less reasonable and practical. Interestingly, I arrived at this epiphany preparing one of the sermons I gave over the summer as part of the Moon landing – commemoration series. If you are interested and missed it, you can read it at:

Of course, this is my opinion and I know that it is not widely shared in our society and not even shared by everyone in this church. And yet I believe the issue of war and peace is the fundamental issue of our times. We cannot address the urgency of distributive injustice, climate change, or the other pressing needs of oppressed mankind until we decide how much of our scarce resources we will dedicate to war and how much to peace, to healing our planet, to healing our fellow man. I believe that, as a church, we must confront this question and decide where we stand.

A few years ago, as President of Channing, I talked a lot about vision as we worked together to come up with one for our church – to chart its course into the future. In that painstakingly crafted document, representing a consensus within our community, we pledged to be a catalyst for, “Peace, justice, and respect for all people and our planet.” How will we do that? I invite you to join me in thinking about that through the venue of two programs organized by our minister. The Peacemaking Study Action Issue series that continues following church services this month and the program offered by the Rev. Richard Gilbert in February. The times demand that we think and act now.

Tom Beall
Co-chair of the Social Action Committee

Saturday, December 19, 2009

From Investors Against Genocide

I received this from SAC member Beth Milham.


Tom Beall

Dear Beth,

As we reach the end of this year and the start of the next, we want to share exciting news and plans. We also invite you to support our all-volunteer organization through a year-end deductible donation.

Successes in introducing genocide-free investing

In 2009 we achieved two major victories by working with receptive companies to improve their support for genocide-free investing. TIAA-CREFagreed to vigorously engage PetroChina and other problem companies partnering with the Government of Sudan and to divest from those companies by the end of this year.

Recently, iShares, formerly part of Barclays Global Investors and now part of Blackrock, announced that it intends to develop a genocide-free, international, exchange-traded fund (ETF). For the many millions of American families who do not want their hard-earned savings to be invested in companies that help support genocide, the introduction of this fund provides a new genocide-free investment alternative and should further encourage development of genocide-free alternatives for all fund types in the future.

Over the course of the year, our shareholder campaign helped raise awareness of the problem of investments in companies tied to genocide, with proxy votes at the world's largest mutual funds companies - Fidelity, Vanguard, and American Funds. We also had a vote at Putnam. As a result of the votes, these mutual fund companies sent our shareholder proposal to huge numbers of their shareholders. Millions of them responded positively and voted in favor of making their savings genocide-free, despite the active opposition by their mutual fund, and even though both Vanguard and American Funds used misleading statements to discourage support for our proposal.

We continue to learn how heavily the proxy voting process is tilted in management's favor. Nevertheless, genocide-free investing has received as much as 31% of the vote, which is outstanding for a shareholder proposal on a social issue that is strongly opposed by management.

Looking ahead

In 2010, we will continue our shareholder proposal campaign. We will also begin new initiatives to make investors aware of the genocide-free alternatives becoming available to them. Since we began the campaign in 2007 we have believed that ultimately market forces would push companies to satisfy the desires of their customers. We hope to see more of such movement in 2010.

We are working with key members of Congress to hold a hearing on genocide-free investing in early 2010. There is a strong effort underway to force financial services companies to better address the needs of their customers rather than themselves. Genocide-free investing fits naturally within this framework. We hope that regulation will assist shareholders seeking genocide-free investments.

Please support us

We hope you will consider supporting our work. We are a completely volunteer project of a 501(c)(3) non-profit and spend almost none of your tax deductible contributions on administration or fundraising. Last year more than 99% of our spending went to furthering genocide-free investing. Click here to donate. We also continue to seek volunteers to submit shareholder proposals to their mutual funds. Click here to learn more.

Thanks in advance for your support. We'll keep you posted as we progress next year.

Eric, Susan, Bill and Mary

on behalf of the Investors Against Genocide Team

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

To Be a Peacemaker, One Must Be Informed!

Hello everyone,

As a retired naval officer, I was a "national security professional" for twenty-five years.  During that time, the Navy provided me with graduate education at both the Naval Postgraduate School and Naval War College that gave me insights that have ultimately informed my decision to embrace pacifism and be a peacemaker.

You need not have this expensive education, however, to inform yourself of national security issues - in order to engage in the public policy debate as an informed peacemaker.  There are a number of resources available to you online to include:

1.  The National Security Archive, a program of George Washington University, is, " independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University, the Archive collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The Archive also serves as a repository of government records on a wide range of topics pertaining to the national security, foreign, intelligence, and economic policies of the United States. The Archive won the 1999 George Polk Award, one of U.S. journalism's most prestigious prizes, for--in the words of the citation--'piercing the self-serving veils of government secrecy, guiding journalists in the search for the truth and informing us all.'"

2.  The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has, since 1945, informed, "...the public about threats to the survival and development of humanity from nuclear weapons, climate change, and emerging technologies in the life sciences. Through an award-winning magazine, our online presence, and the Doomsday Clock, we reach policy leaders and audiences around the world with information and analysis about efforts to address the dangers and prevent catastrophe.

3.  The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) is, " independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources, to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public."

4.  The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), " the world´s center of cooperation in the nuclear field. It was set up as the world´s "Atoms for Peace" organization in 1957 within the United Nations family. The Agency works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies."

5.  The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), " a practical expression of the faith of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Committed to the principles of nonviolence and justice, it seeks in its work and witness to draw on the transforming power of love, human and divine."  AFSC publishes a number of works on peacemaking, pacifism, violence in our society, and violence around the world to offer an informed, alternative perspective on issues of violence and justice, war and peace.

6.  The UU Peace Ministry Network (UU Peacemakers), whose mission is, " institutionalize this energy (for peacemaking) at the national level to encourage a culture of peace within our families, our association, our communities and throughout the world."  They offer a variety of resources for interested Congregations.

There are many others which I hope to provide from time to time or you can discover yourself through these web sites.

Tom Beall
Co-Chair of the Social Action Committee

From "Standing on the Side of Love"

Just moments ago, the Council of the District of Columbia took an historic stand for love. By an 11-2 margin, council members voted to legalize marriage for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender citizens. Marriage equality is coming to the nation's capital!

Please take a moment to send a note of gratitude to the 11 council members who took this nation one step closer to full equality.

It was thrilling to be present in the Council chambers as history was being made. When the vote was announced, people shouted and wept for joy. Friends, this is what it feels like to stand on the side of love.

I want to thank so many of you for your messages of support and solidarity in recent months. You understand that what happens in the nation's capital has significance far beyond D.C.'s borders. Further, you recognize that in D.C. we are changing the national debate on marriage equality, showing that this issue need not divide us. People of color and white people, people of faith and secular people, can all stand together on the side of love.

The Standing on the Side of Love (SSL) Campaign made a big impact here in DC, providing our interfaith coalition with a slogan to rally around, supporting our media outreach, and helping us go viral with video. Thanks to everyone across the nation who has helped support the SSL campaign, our efforts are making history.

Of course, the struggle for marriage equality in DC is not over yet. After Mayor Adrian Fenty signs the bill, the United States Congress has 30 legislative days to veto it. We hope that the U.S. Congress will respect the sovereignty of the elected leaders of the District of Columbia and stay out of our affairs. If we need your support on that front, we'll be sure to reach out. But today, it is time to celebrate.



Environmental Justice News from UU Justice Action Network

Dear Friends of Environmental Justice,

The world has turned its attention to climate change for the moment, with two weeks of discussions and negotiations happening right now in Copenhagen. Let us do what we can to inform ourselves and take action to protect our planet for future generations and to support those most affected by the climate change already occuring. We are blessed to have such an opportunity to shape the future. Happy Holidays!

In This Issue:

Climate Change -- UUSC, UUMFE, UUA

The Human Right to Water -- UUSC

The Human Right to Water -- UUSC

Environmental Justice News is a collaborative effort between:

UU Ministry for the Earth

UU Service Committee

UUA's Green Sanctuary program

UUA's Washington Office for Advocacy

In faith,

Rowan Van Ness

Program Associate for Environmental Justice

(1) Climate Change -- Updates from UUSC, WOA, and UUMFE

ACTION: Dial Down Climate Change: Obama in Copenhagen [WOA]

The UN COP15 Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen is nearing a close, and President Obama is expected to go to Copenhagen on Friday, 12/18. He's planning on negotiating for emissions reductions in the range of 17% below 2005 levels (4% below 1990 levels), which is simply not enough to prevent the worst effects of climate change. As he said himself in his Nobel Peace Prize speech, "there is little scientific dispute that if we do nothing, we will face more drought, famine and mass displacement," and the impacts of climate change most adversely affect those with the least power to do something about it. We need to join our partners and tell the Administration how important it is for the US to Dial Down Climate Change!

ACTION: Stand Up for Climate Justice [UUSC]

The disruption caused by climate change affects all of us, but the people who are feeling these impacts most profoundly did little to cause them. They are street vendors in Kenya who are grappling with the instability of crop failures and rising food prices. They are women in Darfur who must walk further and further away to collect firewood. You can help address this injustice by supporting UUSC partners to ensure a safer, healthier tomorrow. See how you can support international efforts of grass roots organizations who are working on climate justice.

RESOURCE: Human Rights and Climate Change [UUSC]

People around the world are looking to Copenhagen for significant change in climate change policy. Grassroots organizations from around the world are mobilizing to impact the talks to tip them more toward climate justice. UUSC partner Asia Pacific Research Network began a "people's movement" for more just climate policy last year - culminating in the "People's Protocol on Climate Change" with far reaching aspirations. Human rights defenders are also mobilizing to engage the UN Human Rights Council in their initiative to address the nexus of climate change and human rights. Become familiar with the human rights issues related to climate change and monitor the UN process - help human rights defenders around the world by including human rights in your efforts to create climate justice.

NEWS: Vigils for Survival & Sounds of 350 [UUMFE]

UUs joined people from around the world in a weekend of climate action during COP-15, the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. UU Ministry for Earth supported candlelight "Vigils for Survival" around the world on Friday, Dec. 11 and Saturday, Dec. 12. On Sunday, Dec. 13, faith communities "sounded out" the 350 call to action through ringing bells, beating drums, and making all kinds of noises 350 times. Visit UU Ministry for Earth for more information.

NEWS: Blogging from Copenhagen [WOA]

Several UUs are in Copenhagen right now for the Climate Change Conference, and are blogging about their experiences. Check out the Inspired Faith, Effective Action blog to read their reflections.


(2) The Human Right to Water -- Update from UUSC

Governor Schwarzenegger vetoes Human Right to Water Bill (AB 1242)

NEWS: Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed the historic state wide human right to water bill in California at the last hour on October 11th - but did sign four other water justice bills, due in part to the pressure from UUs on the bill. See the governor's message (PDF). UU Legislative Ministry of California and UUSC members worked to make this historic legislation a reality. See information about AB 1242.

NEWS: UUSC briefs the UN Independent Expert on the Human Right to Water and Sanitation

UUSC, the Religious Working Group on Water, and ally Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, held a briefing about the human right to water in the United States for Ms. Catarina De Albuquerque, the UN Human Rights Council Independent Expert on the Human Right to Water. See the full briefing and the IE's comments.


(3) Food Justice -- Update from Green Sanctuary

A Thriving Ministry of Local Foods - UU Rockland, ME Fishing has always been a traditional way of life in coastal Maine. For generations, fishing was plentiful and fishermen could count on selling their catch locally. Over time, stocks plummeted due to over-fishing and competition from global markets caused prices to decline. When the price of fuel soared the profit margin for local fishermen narrowed even further. The downturn in fishing took its toll on communities, schools could no longer survive and villages faced extinction.

Several local non-profits worked together to sustain the endangered fisheries. As a result of a successful Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, the Green Sanctuary team at UU Rockland started one of the nation's first Community Supported Fisheries (CSF). The creation of the CSF led to the creation of additional CSFs in Maine and fishing communities from around the world have been contacting the MFA to see if they can replicate the model. The CSF partnership has played a seminal role in helping to sustain the local fishing fleet, spreading the word about the importance of buying locally, and the fishermen and CSF members share a bond and common goal of the restoration of a vibrant fishery along coastal Maine. More information about UU Rockland's ministry of local foods is on the Congregational Stewardship blog.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Good Peacemaking Resource

Hello everyone,

I came across a resource sponsored by Eastern Mennonite University (the Mennonites, as I understand them, are a peace church). You might take a look. This group has published a number of policy papers and put forth a number of ideas on realistic, pragmatic alternatives to the use of military power as well as the implications of the continued use of our military power that are worth taking a look at.

Tom Beall
Co-chair of the Social Action Committee

Friday, December 11, 2009

From Cool Aquidneck Island

Two priority reminders!

Greetings from frizzly Seattle! I'll be attending a Candlelight Vigil here, tonight.

Back home, Salve Regina's faculty and staff environment committee is hosting a vigil in tonight in Washington Square at 6:30. Please go, and help tell the leaders in Copenhagen that we need real action now!

And Saturday morning, after thinking globally last night, take a couple of hours to act locally to help lower energy consumption. Help us distribute door hangers in Newport and Jamestown, informing residents of both National Grid's home energy audit program, and the Neighborhood Energy Challenge.

Details: Meet at 9:45 AM in the Channing Memorial Church Parish Hall, the gray building behind the sanctuary. (Channing is on Pelham St., Newport, next door to the Elks' Lodge, and across from the Old Mill in Touro Park.)

You'll be given a map for the area to visit, and you'll hang door tags from 10 AM to 12 noon. (Important reminders: Don't put any in mailboxes--that's a violation of federal law! Don't open any doors. Just hang the tags as best you can.

At noon, return to Channing Parish Hall for a pizza fest!

And thank you! Sorry to miss all the fun.


From East Bay Citizens for Peace



December 12, 2009 11 AM – NOON

Hope St., Bristol

(by the Post Office)



Sponsored by East Bay Citizens for Peace, a grassroots organization committed to peaceful solutions to conflict and to social and economic justice through the promotion of open, respectful dialogue. For more information contact 247-9738, or

From the American Friends Service Committee

Here are holiday treats for you, featuring a solution for last-minute holiday shopping, videos that share personal stories from those encountering a new land, resources for peacebuilding for Afghanistan, and a video slideshow of glimpses from a Friends Meeting’s fair to support AFSC. We hope you enjoy them!

From all of us at the American Friends Service Committee, we wish you a happy, peaceful, and healthy holiday season. We deeply appreciate your support.

Learn more

Simple Gifts – AFSC’s Gifts with Heart and Hope

Have some people on your holiday list who are hard to shop for? Simplify your giving and give a gift that supports AFSC’s programs for peace, justice, and human dignity. For every Gift with Heart and Hope, you receive a holiday card to notify your loved ones that a gift has been made on their behalf.

Immigration Stories

One weekend last October, ten people — immigrants and their allies — embarked on a 72 hour marathon of sharing stories, learning production techniques and creating works of media art. The ten short digital stories that they produced are a moving mosaic of immigrant experience in the U.S. This week, the stories will have a gala premiere at a theater in Denver. You can also watch them on AFSC’s web site:

How to End the War in Afghanistan

Last week, AFSC’s Wage Peace: Afghanistan campaign held a strategy call with more than 100 peace supporters across the country. You can listen to the call recording online to learn more about the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and what you can do in your community to end the war. Our web page also has resources about the cost of war in Afghanistan and better ways to build peace.

A Fifty Year Tradition of Support

Every year since 1952, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Kennett Friends Meeting in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, has put on a “Quaker Fair” to benefit AFSC. Selling homemade foods, pony rides and other items, they have raised thousands of dollars for AFSC’s work. Watch a short slide show about this year’s Quaker Fair. We are most grateful to these Friends and to others such as Gwynedd Friends Meeting (Pennsylvania), who hosted a recent volunteer-run “Recycle” holiday sale of donated items that raised more than $6,000 for AFSC.

See you on Facebook?

Become a ‘fan’ of AFSC on Facebook to receive more updates about peace and justice and learn even more about what we’re doing. Follow this link to see AFSC on Facebook.

From the American Friends Service Committee

The American Friends Service Committee, on behalf of Quakers performing international service, is the 1947 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Send a letter to the editor now.

Today, President Barack Obama has also been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. We congratulate him for the award and hope that he works to build a legacy of peace and justice.

Sadly, this moment for celebrating peacemaking is diminished, since last week Mr. Obama announced his decision to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. This prolongs a failed policy of pursuing military intervention more than diplomacy and reconstruction.

Help us spread the word that the pro-peace majority in this country does not support an escalation in Afghanistan.

With many of us focused on the poor economy and the healthcare debate in Congress, opposition to this decision is not getting the airtime it deserves.

We can use the opportunity of Mr. Obama’s acceptance of the prize today as an opportunity to let our neighbors know that there are better alternatives to war.

Please write a letter to the editor today to let your community members know that instead you support a clear timeline for withdrawal from Afghanistan, badly needed development aid by civilian-led organizations not the military, and a redirect of the more than $44 billion spent yearly on war funding to human needs in Afghanistan and at home. Letters to the editor are still one of the most important ways that Congressional offices judge public opinion.

We have a good opportunity today to make our call for peace visible. Please take a minute and use our online system to email your local newspaper.

Thank you for continuing to help us wage peace,

Peter Lems and Mary Zerkel

P.S. If you are on Facebook, show your opposition to war by changing your profile photo to the graphic above. See more on our Postcards to Obama Facebook initiative.

From Standing on the Side of Love

At its best, this is a season of generosity, peace, and most of all, love. It is a time to reconnect with our loved ones and strengthen our communities' bonds. From the Thanksgiving table to the final seconds of 2009, we are expected to treat our neighbors with the utmost respect and love. Thankfully, this time around, the season of love does not have to end on January 1st.

On February 14th, we will reimagine Valentine's Day by celebrating National Standing on the Side of Love Day. Congregations across the nation will participate in a day of worship and practice works of love.

National Standing on the Side of Love Day empowers each congregation to take action on issues that matter locally, and to pursue strategies that are effective and meaningful to each. We also ask for three simple things from you. Take a picture of you standing on the side of love, send us the picture, and take a collection to provide this campaign with essential resources to effect positive social change and justice in your community.

I know this is a busy season, so I thought I'd give you a heads up about Valentine's Day Reimagined before December flies by. In the weeks ahead, I have two office parties, a Hanukkah party, and then I'm off to Minnesota to spend solstice and Christmas with my fiancé's family. As I remember the many blessings in my life during this season, the privilege of managing this remarkable campaign and working with all of you will be at the top of my list (and I'll be checking it twice).



From Rev. Jim Wallis of Soujourners

Rediscovering Values: A Book I Didn’t Plan to Write

I am an Evangelical Christian. What does that mean? In part, I believe that Christmas, the celebration of Christ’s birth, is good news. Not just to me or my family or those that think or believe just like me, but for everyone. Last Christmas was tough for many families in our country, and this year will be the same for many more. There are few families that will not be touched in some way by the Great Recession. It might be a relative laid off, a friend’s house nearing foreclosure, or uncertainty at your workplace. In the midst of it all, families across the world -- along with Joy and I and our boys -- light Advent candles each night and wait with great anticipation for Christmas morning -- but we also engage in preparation.

Preparation for the good news. Because there is good news. Two thousand years ago, in a land under the rule of foreign occupiers, a baby was born to a virgin to bring hope and give light to a world in desperate need. That fact is still good news today; it’s the reason why, in the midst of economic uncertainty, we prepare, we anticipate, and we celebrate. It is because of this hope that I do the work I do and that I write you today.

I have written a new book -- one I didn’t expect or plan to write, but one that simply emerged as we were seeking to respond to the economic crisis that has gripped the nation and the world. I wrote it as a tract for the times, and it’s titled Rediscovering Values: On Wall Street, Main Street, and Your Street -- A Moral Compass for the New Economy. It will be released by Simon & Schuster in January and is available now for pre-orders.

This recession presents us with an enormous opportunity to rediscover our values -- as people, as families, as communities of faith, and as a nation. It is a moment of decision we dare not pass by. We have forgotten some very important things, and it’s time to remember them again. Yes, we do need an economic recovery, but we also need a moral recovery -- on Wall Street, Main Street, and Your Street. And we will need a moral compass for the new economy that is emerging.

The Great Recession that has gripped the world, defined the moment, and captured all of our attention has also revealed a profound values crisis. Just beneath the surface of the economics debate, a deep national reflection is begging to take place and, indeed, has already begun in people’s heads, hearts, and conversations. The questions it raises concern our personal, family, and national priorities; our habits of the heart; our measures of success; the values of our families and our children; our spiritual well-being; and the ultimate goals and purposes of life -- including our economic life.

Underneath the public discourse, another conversation is emerging about who and what we want to be -- as individuals, as a nation, and as a human community. By and large, the media has missed the deeper discussion and continues to focus only upon the surface of the crisis. And most of our politicians just want to tell us how soon the crisis can be over. But there are deeper questions here and some fundamental choices to make. That’s why this could be a transformational moment -- one of those times that comes around only very occasionally. We don’t want to miss this opportunity.

The economic tide going out has not only shown us who was “swimming naked,” as Warren Buffett put it, but it has also revealed that no invisible hand b­e­hind the curtain is guiding our economy to inevitable success. It is a sobering moment in our lives when we can see our own thoughtlessness, greed, and impatience writ large across the global sky. And it is a good time to start asking better questions.

The book suggests we have been asking the wrong question: “When will this crisis end?” It seeks to replace that with the right question: “How will this crisis change us?” The book is about the moral recovery which must accompany the economic recovery, and suggests that we must not go back to business as usual; rather, we need a new normal. The new book is about the values questions that are at the heart of how we got into this crisis, and are critical to getting us out of it. It describes the maxims that overtook us -- Greed is Good, It’s All About Me, and I Want it Now -- values that wreck economies, cultures, families, and even our souls. Instead it calls for a return to new/old virtues like Enough is Enough, We’re In It Together, and evaluating our decisions by their impact on the Seventh Generation out.

It also calls for a conversion of our habits of the heart to a clean energy economy, a family values culture, and a new meaning for both work and service. It suggests that, spiritually, the market had become god-like, and that restoring proper worship even means recognizing the limits of the market. The book describes how our many religious traditions contain many valuable correctives to this economic crisis that has spun out of control. It describes how the recent narrative of banks, bailouts, and bonuses has all the makings of a bad morality play. And it ends with 20 “moral exercises” that offer a values audit of our personal, family, community, financial, and social life.

Could there be some good news in, through, and even because of this Great Recession? Maybe so, if it becomes the opportunity to rediscover some important things that we somehow lost, but now might find again.

From Unitarian Universalist Justice Action

Dear Friends of Justice,

As we enter in earnest into the winter holiday season, we wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah, which begins tomorrow at sundown.

In faith and for justice

Rob, Susan, Audra, Orelia, Rowan, Kat and Meg

ACTION: Reflecting on Who are our Neighbors?

As we prepare for the holidays and spending time with our families, let us be mindful that many immigrant families are being separated by detentions and deportations. The UUA is working for reform of our broken immigration system and we expect legislation to be introduced in 2010 that we will be asking you to support.

In preparation for all out advocacy it's important to know who the immigrants are in our communities. We are encouraging UU congregations to find out more about your neighbors. What are your relationships? Does your congregation offer "welcome to the stranger?" See Welcoming Our Neighbors: A UU Guide to Immigrant Justice for ideas. (Note: this will be updated in Jan with information on new legislation.)

SUCCESS: Stop Stupak Rally

Last week, Unitarian Universalists joined over 1,000 protesters from across the nation to rally and lobby their Members of Congress against the Stupak and Nelson Amendments, which would effectively eliminate abortion coverage in the proposed insurance exchange. Those who could not come to Washington, D.C. made phone calls, signed online petitions and wrote letters to their elected officials asking them not to take away insurance coverage that most women have today. During yesterday's debate on the Senate floor, Senator Barbara Boxer read the names of 13 religious organizations, including the UUA, when she entered our coalition's letter opposing the amendments into the official record. The Nelson Amendment, which was defeated yesterday in a 54-45 vote, will not appear in the Senate health reform bill. Thank you to everyone who has contacted your members of congress so far. We will continue to speak out against the Stupak Amendment, which could still pose a threat to women's reproductive rights if included in the final health care bill. Learn more at

NEWS: UUs Support Justice in the Tomato Fields

UU congregations in southwest Florida cluster and interfaith allies are working together with Interfaith Action of Southwest Florida to support the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) in stopping slavery and poverty in the tomato fields. Their current action is focused on getting Publix Supermarkets to come to the table to talk about the tomatoes they buy.

See Rev. Allison Farnum, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church in Ft. Myers, FL, report on the Dec 6th CIW Walk for Farmworker Justice, Dignidad: Standing on the Side of Farmworkers! on the Standing on the Side of Love blog. As Rev. Farnum points out this work is part of our association's commitment to study and act upon ethical eating and to stand on the side of love.

RESOURCE: SSL Grants for Congregations - Apply Now!

The Fund for UU Social Responsibility has set aside $25,000 to be made available as matching grants of $500-$1,500 to UU congregations participating in the Standing on the Side of Love campaign. SSL matching grants will support UU congregations mobilizing at critical times, using social networking and coalition building to take action in a broad range of arenas where people are excluded, oppressed, or attacked based on real or perceived identities.

To apply, complete an SSL Application (PDF) (Word) and send to Applications are an EZ form and are distributed on a rolling basis (about a two week turn around time).

SSL Web-Cast Calls: in 2010 - Organizing for Feb 14th

The Standing on the Side of Love campaign has a new schedule for 2010 that we will post monthly. In January, join SSL staff and congregational leaders to learn about how your congregation can participate in National Standing on the Side of Love Day, Feb 14th, where we reimagine Valentine's Day.

On this day, congregations across the nation will participate in a day of worship and practice acts of love. National Standing on the Side of Love Day empowers each congregation to take action on issues that matter locally, and to pursue strategies that are effective and meaningful to them.

Join us for two planning meetings: Wednesday, Jan. 13th, 1 pm (EST) and Wednesday, Jan. 20th, 8 pm (EST). More details to follow.

These web-cast conference calls are 45 min. in length. For more information, go to (Please note the new url.)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Unitarian Universalists Walking the Talk": Congregational Action and Social Justice with the Rev. Richard S. Gilbert

Hello Friends,

The Rev. Amy Freedman, Parish Minister of Channing Memorial Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Newport, RI has arranged with the Rev. Richard S. Gilbert, one of the true visionaries today in the UU movement, for a weekend program and service entitled "Unitarian Universalists Walking the Talk". You can find information about this program at

I personally have been inspired by Rev. Gilbert's vision for the UU church as articulated in his book, The Prophetic Imperative: Social Gospel in Theory and Practice. I hope you will join Linda and me in registering for and participating in this important program.

Tom Beall
Social Action Chair
Channing Memorial Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Thursday, November 19, 2009

From American Friends Service Committee: Wage Peace in Afghanistan

Action Needed:
Your call can stop the government from sending more troops to Afghanistan.
Now is a critical time to make your voice heard.

Call the White House comment line today and say you are opposed to sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.  The comment line number is 202-456-1111.

In the coming week, President Obama will likely be making a decision about the role of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. He has rejected the current proposals for additional troops until there is an exit strategy. We believe this is a good sign, and we need more — a decision not to send more troops to the region and to deescalate the war.

The decision will have a dramatic effect on the future of Afghanistan and the stability of the region. This is the moment when we can have an impact.

If you only take one action for peace this year, please make this phone call to the White House today.  Tell them you’d like the administration to put these elements into their Afghanistan plan.
White House comment line:
  1. No additional troops to Afghanistan.
  2. A timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and for diplomacy and dialogue with all parties to the conflict, without preconditions.
  3. Badly needed development aid provided, to be coordinated by civilian-led organizations, not the military.
  4. Redirect the more than $44 billion spent yearly on war to supporting real human needs in Afghanistan and at home.
Help President Obama make the best decision on Afghanistan.  Please take a moment and make your call today.

Wage peace,
Peter Lems and Mary Zerkel
American Friends Service Committee

P.S. Thanks to the more than 400 of you, we have gathered many comments and virtual postcards to Obama on Facebook.  But we could always use more.  See the photos, write a comment, and join the group on our Facebook site today.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

From the Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners

It has been eight years since the United States military began operations in Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I know you join me in lamenting the suffering, violence, and death on both sides of the conflict. Our scriptures and history teach us that war is not the answer to building the peace and security we are striving for in this world.

I’ve joined with other faith leaders in sending an open letter to President Obama, urging him to build a new strategy in Afghanistan that leads with bold humanitarian aid and development instead of more military escalation. Will you join me?

Unfortunately, the options being debated are far too narrow and are unlikely to bring the peace and stability we so desperately need to end this war.

The two strategies contending for prime time - counterinsurgency, requiring a substantial escalation of troops, and counterterrorism, relying on precision targeting technology to apply military pressure on the most dangerous operatives, often at the expense of civilian lives - don't address the deep moral and practical issues we face in Afghanistan.

There are many moral concerns at stake in President Obama’s decision: legitimately protecting Americans from further terrorism, protecting the lives of our men and women in uniform, protecting the Afghan people from the collateral damage of war, defending women from the Taliban, and genuinely supporting democracy - to name a few.

Focused and effective humanitarian assistance and development can no longer be an afterthought. They must be central to any strategy the U.S. government puts forward. The president must choose nonmilitary strategies to lead the way, rather than the other way around, which often just makes aid and development work another weapon of war.

Tell President Obama: More war will not bring peace.

We know what can rebuild a broken nation, inspire confidence, trust, and hope among its people, and most effectively undermine terrorism: massive humanitarian assistance and sustainable economic development.

And it costs less - far less - than continued war. The Congressional Research Service has said it currently costs about $1 million per U.S. soldier, per year in Afghanistan.

We all share in responsibility for a war that has been waged in our names and with our tax dollars. Join me and many faith leaders across our country in praying for the president as he considers a new strategy in Afghanistan.

Blessings and peace,

Jim Wallis

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Step It Up/Cool A.I. Update #33, 11/15/09

Hi, Green Friends,

(I always hear the voice of Kermit when I type that greeting. Appropriate, since this is the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street.)

A very important meeting coming up on this Thursday night, November 19. It's of crucial importance to all customers of the Newport Water Department, no matter where we live. Come ask the Newport City Council and the Utilities Department essential questions about the planned U-V installation at Easton's Beach. See the write-up in the calendar, below.

And yet another reminder that is open for business. Come visit, and sign on to save energy and money and earn prizes!

As we learned in science classes, trees sequester carbon, and Newport is blessed with a fabulous collection of them. The Newport Tree Society has updated its web site, and has initiated its first Newport Tree Walk, a one-mile self-guided tour starting at Washington Square. Learn more about the organization and the walk at

Recently, a friend forwarded an email with advice, credited to Andy Rooney, about ways to stop telephone and mail solicitations. As is my habit, I checked it out on As usual, not only did the advice not come from Andy Rooney, the recommendations do not work. Instead, Snopes recommends the following strategies:

To stop phone solicitations, sign on to the National Do Not Call Registry:

To stop most direct mail solicitations, go to the Direct Marketing Association's Mail Preference Service:

To stop most unsolicited credit card and insurance offers, go to the Opt Out service offered by the four major credit rating companies: (You can opt out permanently or for five years, and you can return to opt in, if you choose to.)


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Energy Efficiency Opportunities for your Business

Time: 12 to 2 PM

Location: Newport County Chamber of Commerce, 35 Valley Rd., Middletown

Increasing Your Bottom Line Through Energy Savings.

Presented by Energy Action: Aquidneck Island & Jamestown, A National Grid Community Initiative. Lunch will be served!

Please RSVP to Kathleen Papp

Free for Newport Chamber members

$25 for non-members

RI Interfaith Power & Light Cool Congregations training

Time: 6:00 to 9 PM

Location: Christ Church, 7 Elm St., Westerly

Help your congregation save Creation by shrinking their carbon footprint at home. Become a Cool Congregations trainer for your congregation! Become better stewards of Creation by understanding your own household's energy usage and learning practical steps to increased energy efficiency. It's fun and informative!

Pizza will be served. Limited enrollment. Call 401-267-0029 by November 14 to enroll. There is a suggested $10 donation but no one will be turned away.

For more information, go to, and click on "Cool Congregations" on the menu.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Workshop on U-V treatment system-Newport city Council

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Newport City Hall, Broadway

A statement from the Aquidneck Island Watershed Council: "It is important to have a good turnout at this meeting to show the Council and City officials that the citizens of Aquidneck Island have concerns about this project. The UV plant does not solve the problem of beach pollution. Middletown is not participating in the project even though the Esplanade outfall pipes are the primary cause of the beach closings at Atlantic Beach. Newport, Middletown and the DOT need to work together on a comprehensive strategy for storing and treating storm water runoff. The UV plant is an expensive, end of pipe solution to a complex non-point pollution problem.

"What is the real cost of the project? With the specter of climate change and a carbon tax on the horizon, it does not make sense to build a plant that uses enormous amounts of electricity when natural solutions are available. What is the estimated annual electricity cost of the plant? What are the estimated maintenance costs? Personnel costs? Depreciation? Debt service? Opportunity costs? (What other projects will be deferred or rejected because of the cost of this project?)

"Please call your elected representatives and express your thoughts on the project. Come to the meeting next Thursday and bring your friends."

(Note: this may be one of the only opportunities for public input on this proposal, which we rate payers will ultimately be paying for.)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Electronic Waste Recycling Day

Time: 8 AM to 1 PM

Location: Easton's Beach, Newport

Recycle electronic waste and plastics during the Clean City Program’s Fall Recycling Day. Saturday, November 21, 8am to 1pm. All RI residents welcome.

Examples of electronic waste accepted are: computers/CPUs, monitors, keyboards, mice, scanners, televisions, laptops, fax machines, modems, routers, VCRs, DVD players, miscellaneous computer parts and wires, digital cameras, cell phones & accessories and more.

The following items will not be accepted: Freon bearing items such as air conditioners, dehumidifiers, refrigerators and large metal items such as washers and dryers.

Plastic items that will be accepted for recycling during this one-day event are not accepted in the curbside recycling program. Examples of plastic items accepted are: #3-7 plastics, plastic toys, buckets, milk & soda crates, laundry baskets, lawn furniture, landscape items such as edging, microwave trays, plastic totes, plastic drums (food grade only, no chemical containers), pet carriers, plastic pallets, coolers, shelving, closet organizers, dish drainers, flower pots (no soil), garbage cans, recycling bins, waste baskets, 5 gallon water bottles. All plastic items brought for recycling must be free of any wood, metal, glass, wires or batteries.

Newport residents can exchange their old recycling bin for a new bin for $5, regularly $8. This discounted price will be available at this event only and recycling bins will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. Please bring a check for payment and proof of Newport residency.

For more information about the Fall Recycling Day or the City of Newport’s residential solid waste and recycling collection program, contact the Clean City Program at 845-5613 or visit

Sponsored by the City of Newport’s Clean City Program, Good Point Recycling, Sony Electronics Inc., and Waste Management.

Monday, November 23, 2009

"LEED Core Concepts & Strategies"

Time: 8:30 AM to 5 PM

Location: NE Institute of Technology, Warwick

This workshop, offered by the RI Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council, is the first of two that have been approved as eligible training programs under the federal Workforce Investment Act. The first is a non-technical course, intended for students, property owners, facilities managers, emerging or experienced green designers, engineers, builders and product manufacturers and service providers, including realtors, appraisers, trades people, attorneys and government officials.

Tuition fees, with reduced rates for signing up before November 15. For information about the workshop, visit

Unemployed or underemployed applicants may be eligible for free tuition under the Workforce Investment Act. Eligibility must be established before the workshop. For information about eligibility, visit

The second, more advanced workshop, "Building, Design and Construction, the LEED Implementation Process," will be held early next year.

From Unitarian Universalist Justice Action

Dear Friends of Justice

In addition to news about the Basta Dobbs campaign victory, an update on, and an action on health care, we have an exciting opportunity to tell you about! On Wednesday, November 18th at 8 PM EST, our partners at Reform Immigration for America are sponsoring a national conference call with Rep. Luis Guitierrez, the champion of comprehensive immigration reform in the US House of Representatives. Congressman Gutierrez will outline the framework for his bill and give strategic information for community leaders. There will be selected questions from the field, and then a short discussion on what you can do next to help bring us closer to a fair, comprehensive reform.

We are asking you to hold house parties with your family, friends, neighbors, churches, classmates and anyone else who supports comprehensive immigration reform for America. We will supply the tools, the message and the Congressional leaders; all you have to do is get your friends and family involved! To participate, see the website.

In faith and for justice,

Susan, Audra, Orelia, Rowan, Kat, Rob, and Meg

ACTION: Don't Let Health Reform Eliminate Reproductive Choice!

On Saturday, November 7th the House of Representatives passed a comprehensive health care reform bill that essentially eliminates a woman's right to choose abortion. The Stupak-Pitts Amendment, included in the final bill, bans private insurance providers in the health insurance exchange from covering abortion services. If this amendment becomes law, women receiving subsidies to buy insurance for themselves and their families could be left without essential care. The language of the amendment even bars women from using their own money to purchase comprehensive health coverage that includes abortion services.

We need your help to ensure that this amendment does NOT make it into the final bill. A health system that doesn't give us access to the care we need is inherently unjust and unacceptable. The President has told us time and time again that his reforms would let us keep the coverage we already have. We must hold him to his promise. Please contact the White House and your Senators to tell them that health care reform MUST protect the rights of women to comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion.

Read more in Inspired Faith, Effective Action, the UUA's Advocacy and Witness blog.

SUCCESS: Lou Dobbs Resigns from CNN

On October 21, UUA President Rev. Peter Morales participated in a rally and press conference for the Basta Dobbs (translated as "Enough Dobbs!") campaign, which focused on getting CNN to take Lou Dobbs on account of his repeatedly demonizing and spreading misinformation about Latinos and immigrants.

On his show Wednesday, Lou Dobbs resigned!!! In a press statement released today, the Rev. Morales--the first Latino President of the Unitarian Universalist Association and spokesperson for Standing on the Side of Love--said, in part:

"I am filled with hope and happiness to learn that Lou Dobbs has decided to take on, in his words, a more 'positive' and 'constructive' role in addressing the issues facing this country. I applaud the decision by Dobbs and CNN to stop his show's misinformation and demogoguery that was dividing our country and pitting neighbor against neighbor. I also commend CNN on its enduring commitment to the highest integrity in its journalistic endeavors."

For the full statement see Many thanks and congratulations to all of you who helped with Basta Dobbs as part of the UUA's Standing on the Side of Love campaign. We did it!

NEWS: Climate Change Update

The International Day of Climate Action on 10/24 was a grand success, with more than 110 congregations participating. Read more about the actions and see some photos of the events. The Senate is continuing to work on climate legislation, and world leaders are getting ready for the climate convention in Copenhagen, and the faith community is continuing to call attention to the human rights issues and importance of caring for our only planet. More information about the climate change campaign is available on the UUA climate change pages.

RESOURCE: Faith-Based Support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act

The UUA has been working with a diverse group of religious and faith-based organizations to create a website where religious leaders can find information and resources supporting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, (ENDA; HR 3017) which would guarantee bisexual, gay, lesbian and transgender workers federal protection from employment discrimination. ENDA could come up for a vote in Congress as early as next week! To learn more, go to, and please share this link with your ministers and colleagues!

From the UUSC

On Thursday, December 10, 2009, UUSC will be honoring pioneering activist Mel King at our annual Rights Night. A crusader, educator, organizer, and entrepreneur, King has devoted his life to organizing and advocacy for anti-poverty and urban renewal causes.

King will be honored with UUSC’s Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award for his commitment to social justice and human rights. Afterwards, stay for drinks and light refreshments, and join activists from across Boston’s many communities in conversation about carrying the legacy of King’s work forward.

Date and time: Thursday, December 10 (International Human Rights Day), at 7 p.m.

Location: Media Arts Center of Roxbury Community College, conveniently located across the street from the Roxbury Crossing T Stop. Free parking is also available.

All are welcome! The event is free, but RSVPs are recommended. RSVP by e-mailing or calling 617-301-4381.

Download a flyer for the event to pass along or post in your congregation or community space.


Charlie Clements

President and CEO

689 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-3302
phone: 617-868-6600; fax: 617-868-7102

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Step It Up/Cool A.I. Update # 32, 11/8/09

Hi, Green Friends,

Some important issues to keep an eye on this week.

The Middletown Planning Board has written a very reasonable wind ordinance, which has been through its first reading, and is running into rough weather. It'll be coming up for discussion again soon, and anyone concerned for sane sources of energy, regardless of residency, should plan to attend.

Personally, I find wind turbines beautiful and graceful. They reap a power source that doesn't rape the environment. We know what's ugly--filthy air, children struggling with asthma, fish kills, blown-off mountain tops and slag-filled waterways, not to mention carbon induced temperature climb, melting polar and Greenland ice, and massive flooding.

The powers that told us two years ago that they opposed off-shore wind, but had not problem with small onshore turbines, now seem to oppose everything wind related.

Even we on the front lines of this battle have no true understanding of the distance we need to go to reverse our carbon dependence. The rest of us aren't even ready for baby steps toward getting started. Let's stop clean energy obstructionism in the name of our precious views. Watch for the next ordinance reading, and stand up for wind.

Meanwhile in Newport, the U-V treatment plant at Easton's Beach will be part of the City Council's annual financial meeting. Informed people have serious misgivings about the planned installation, including already outmoded technology, which is unproven in a storm water situation, huge expense for installation and maintenance, huge electrical usage and the potential for a power outage in a storm, just when it would be needed most, since no on-site generator is planned.

This is a highly technology-dependent plan that treats the the problem at its last possible point, instead of dealing with it upstream, with lower tech Low Impact Design principles. Aquidneck Land Trust has the right idea, piecing together watershed protection with greenways. (Congratulations to them on adding yet another piece to that puzzle with the Easy Street Farm!) The EPA and DEM endorsed these practices at the A. I. Watershed Council Conference last month. Was the city listening?

Also at issue is the reluctance of our neighbors to join in cost sharing, so this is all on Newport's shoulders. If this had come up as a bond issue, it would have been (pardon the pun) dead in the water. Now, it's incumbent on the citizens of Newport to ask serious questions before this project just floats through in the budget. We'll all be paying for it in our water bills.

Watch for that meeting, coming soon. We need to pack the Council Chambers.

And one more reminder that is going strong. Check in and sign up! It's free!

With a long climb down from a very tall soapbox,


Thursday, November 12, 2009

LEED FOR Homes Presentation

Time: 4:30 to 6:30 PM

Location: NE Tech, Student Lounge, 2480 Post Rd., Warwick

Learn about designing and building a LEED™ Home through the eyes of a builder and LEED Home provider. The goal of this presentation will be to provide a basic understanding of how to get a project on the path to certification. The Energy Star Homes program is a major component of LEED Homes; strategies for success will also be discussed. 1 CEU Credit anticipated.

Members - free, non-members - $5, CEU credit - $10.

Can you attend this event? Register at:

For more information:, then Click on "Events."

Sponsored by the US Green Building Council - RI Chapter

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Coastal Cleanup

Time: 12 to 2 PM

Location: Tuckerman Right of way, Middletown

Sponsored by Clean Ocean Access.

For more information, contact

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Energy Efficiency Opportunities for your Business

Time: 12 to 2 PM

Location: Newport County Chamber of Commerce, 35 Valley Rd., Middletown

Increasing Your Bottom Line Through Energy Savings.

Presented by Energy Action: Aquidneck Island & Jamestown, A National Grid Community Initiative

Lunch will be served!

Please RSVP to Kathleen Papp, 847-1608

Free for Newport Chamber members

$25 for non-members

RI Interfaith Power & Light Cool Congregations training

Time: 6 to 9 PM

Location: Christ Church, 7 Elm St., Westerly

Help your congregation save Creation by shrinking their carbon footprint at home. Become a Cool Congregations trainer for your congregation! Become better stewards of Creation by understanding your own household's energy usage and learning practical steps to increased energy efficiency. It's fun and informative!

Pizza will be served. Limited enrollment. Call 401-267-0029 by November 14 to enroll. There is a suggested $10 donation but no one will be turned away.

For more information, go to, and click on "Cool Congregations" on the menu.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

From "Standing on the Side of Love"

As I write, people across the nation are gathering to stand in solidarity with the people of Maine, whose right to marriage equality was taken away by a majority vote yesterday.

As I watched the results come in late into the night, something became abundantly clear to me, we should never have to go to bed wondering if discrimination will be more legal in the morning.

If nothing else, today has taught us once again of the importance of achieving full and equal protection under the law for LGBT people. The Standing on the Side of Love campaign continued to work towards that goal this morning by delivering 8,262 of your signatures on the Petition for Full Equality to the members of Congress who will, tomorrow, begin to discuss the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. We are still collecting signatures and will deliver them to decision makers each step along the march to full equality.

Thank you! Thank you for standing tall on this day, for standing on the side of love.



From Unitarian Universalist Justice Action

We're happy to bring you the debut issue of our weekly Unitarian Universalist Justice Action (or UU JustAct for short). It arrives just in time to welcome all our new congregational Social Action Chairs (see our special note to SACS below). In it you will find how congregations can take action in support of the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), information on the new resource - A People So Bold DVD and curriculum that inspired the UU University Social Justice Track at General Assembly, and news about the Basta Dobbs! Campaign and Standing on the Side of Love Friday Calls.

In faith and for justice

Susan, Audra, Orelia, Rowan, Kat, Rob and Meg

ACTION: Act Now to Help Pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act!

On Thursday, November 5th, the Senate will hold its first hearing on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) since 2002. We can't wait any longer for ENDA to extend basic employment protections to bisexual, gay, lesbian and transgender workers in the United States.

Your members of Congress need to hear from you TODAY! Tell them that workplace discrimination should be against the law. Tell them that as a person of faith, you demand to see their commitment to justice and equality for all.

Ask them to Help Pass the Employment Non Discrimination Act!

SUCCESS: Unitarian Universalists & Friends Join Basta (Enough!) Dobbs Campaign

UUA President Rev. Peter Morales and a contingent of Unitarian Universalists participated on October 21st in a Basta Dobbs! rally and press conference held at the Massachusetts State House. The Basta Dobbs (translated as "Enough Dobbs!") effort calls on CNN to take pundit Lou Dobbs off the air. The campaign states, "Lou Dobbs uses his platform on CNN to spread myths and misinformation about Latinos and immigrants, even as his network is wooing Latino viewers. It's time we said enough (that's "basta" in Spanish)."

For full story and to sign on to the campaign see

NEWS: A Special Note to Social Action Chairs about Unitarian Universalist Justice Action

First a welcome to all the new SACs! Our new weekly streamlined UU Justice Action replaces the monthly SAC-News and weekly Advocacy News that our UUA Advocacy & Witness staff used to send you. Each week you will find an Action, Success, News, and Resources. Look for your weekly UU Justice Action to get information and opportunities for action to share with your congregations.

Please let your Task Force and Project Chairs know that there are also lists for particular issues - such as immigration, environmental justice, LGBT rights, gulf coast recovery and more. They can sign up at And remember, they can always find more resources and information on social justice issues at

We hope that you will find our new format helpful and would love your feedback. Also send us your success stories so that we can share them with our readers and help building a learning community for justice!

RESOURCE: A People So Bold: Social Justice Ministries & Theologies

Resources for congregations to deepen work for social justice

In January 2009, thirty-two leading UU theologians, ministers, and activists gathered to reflect on how congregations might be beacons of UU values for the larger world. How do we understand suffering, oppression, injustice in the light of our faith?

Out of those conversations came A People So Bold, a DVD and online curriculum materials designed for congregational use as well as individual viewing and reflection. The curriculum can found online at and copies of the DVD can be requested by emailing The video will soon be available for viewing online as well.

Standing on the Side of Love Friday CALL: Let's Start at the Very Beginning

We continue with our weekly 45 minute Standing on the Side of Love Calls, Friday at 1 PM EST. This week, a call for congregational leaders who still aren't quite sure what it all means!

Rev. Meg Riley, Campaign Director, will share what the campaign is, and how congregations can best take advantage of the resources and vision it brings. There will be time to ask questions about your congregation's participation in the campaign and to learn from each other.

Please RSVP for the call at:

To Join the Call: Dial 218-844-8230 entry code 593426#

Log onto the web-cast by opening this link: