The Channing Memorial Church Social Action Committee meets on the third Tuesday of every month (with the exception of July) at 7PM in the Channing House Library. All members and friends of the church are welcome to attend. For more information, contact the committee chair at or call the church office at (401) 846-0643.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From Unitarian Universalist Justice Action

Dear Friends of Justice

In addition to news about the Basta Dobbs campaign victory, an update on, and an action on health care, we have an exciting opportunity to tell you about! On Wednesday, November 18th at 8 PM EST, our partners at Reform Immigration for America are sponsoring a national conference call with Rep. Luis Guitierrez, the champion of comprehensive immigration reform in the US House of Representatives. Congressman Gutierrez will outline the framework for his bill and give strategic information for community leaders. There will be selected questions from the field, and then a short discussion on what you can do next to help bring us closer to a fair, comprehensive reform.

We are asking you to hold house parties with your family, friends, neighbors, churches, classmates and anyone else who supports comprehensive immigration reform for America. We will supply the tools, the message and the Congressional leaders; all you have to do is get your friends and family involved! To participate, see the website.

In faith and for justice,

Susan, Audra, Orelia, Rowan, Kat, Rob, and Meg

ACTION: Don't Let Health Reform Eliminate Reproductive Choice!

On Saturday, November 7th the House of Representatives passed a comprehensive health care reform bill that essentially eliminates a woman's right to choose abortion. The Stupak-Pitts Amendment, included in the final bill, bans private insurance providers in the health insurance exchange from covering abortion services. If this amendment becomes law, women receiving subsidies to buy insurance for themselves and their families could be left without essential care. The language of the amendment even bars women from using their own money to purchase comprehensive health coverage that includes abortion services.

We need your help to ensure that this amendment does NOT make it into the final bill. A health system that doesn't give us access to the care we need is inherently unjust and unacceptable. The President has told us time and time again that his reforms would let us keep the coverage we already have. We must hold him to his promise. Please contact the White House and your Senators to tell them that health care reform MUST protect the rights of women to comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion.

Read more in Inspired Faith, Effective Action, the UUA's Advocacy and Witness blog.

SUCCESS: Lou Dobbs Resigns from CNN

On October 21, UUA President Rev. Peter Morales participated in a rally and press conference for the Basta Dobbs (translated as "Enough Dobbs!") campaign, which focused on getting CNN to take Lou Dobbs on account of his repeatedly demonizing and spreading misinformation about Latinos and immigrants.

On his show Wednesday, Lou Dobbs resigned!!! In a press statement released today, the Rev. Morales--the first Latino President of the Unitarian Universalist Association and spokesperson for Standing on the Side of Love--said, in part:

"I am filled with hope and happiness to learn that Lou Dobbs has decided to take on, in his words, a more 'positive' and 'constructive' role in addressing the issues facing this country. I applaud the decision by Dobbs and CNN to stop his show's misinformation and demogoguery that was dividing our country and pitting neighbor against neighbor. I also commend CNN on its enduring commitment to the highest integrity in its journalistic endeavors."

For the full statement see Many thanks and congratulations to all of you who helped with Basta Dobbs as part of the UUA's Standing on the Side of Love campaign. We did it!

NEWS: Climate Change Update

The International Day of Climate Action on 10/24 was a grand success, with more than 110 congregations participating. Read more about the actions and see some photos of the events. The Senate is continuing to work on climate legislation, and world leaders are getting ready for the climate convention in Copenhagen, and the faith community is continuing to call attention to the human rights issues and importance of caring for our only planet. More information about the climate change campaign is available on the UUA climate change pages.

RESOURCE: Faith-Based Support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act

The UUA has been working with a diverse group of religious and faith-based organizations to create a website where religious leaders can find information and resources supporting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, (ENDA; HR 3017) which would guarantee bisexual, gay, lesbian and transgender workers federal protection from employment discrimination. ENDA could come up for a vote in Congress as early as next week! To learn more, go to, and please share this link with your ministers and colleagues!