The Channing Memorial Church Social Action Committee meets on the third Tuesday of every month (with the exception of July) at 7PM in the Channing House Library. All members and friends of the church are welcome to attend. For more information, contact the committee chair at or call the church office at (401) 846-0643.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

From American Friends Service Committee: Wage Peace in Afghanistan

Action Needed:
Your call can stop the government from sending more troops to Afghanistan.
Now is a critical time to make your voice heard.

Call the White House comment line today and say you are opposed to sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.  The comment line number is 202-456-1111.

In the coming week, President Obama will likely be making a decision about the role of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. He has rejected the current proposals for additional troops until there is an exit strategy. We believe this is a good sign, and we need more — a decision not to send more troops to the region and to deescalate the war.

The decision will have a dramatic effect on the future of Afghanistan and the stability of the region. This is the moment when we can have an impact.

If you only take one action for peace this year, please make this phone call to the White House today.  Tell them you’d like the administration to put these elements into their Afghanistan plan.
White House comment line:
  1. No additional troops to Afghanistan.
  2. A timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and for diplomacy and dialogue with all parties to the conflict, without preconditions.
  3. Badly needed development aid provided, to be coordinated by civilian-led organizations, not the military.
  4. Redirect the more than $44 billion spent yearly on war to supporting real human needs in Afghanistan and at home.
Help President Obama make the best decision on Afghanistan.  Please take a moment and make your call today.

Wage peace,
Peter Lems and Mary Zerkel
American Friends Service Committee

P.S. Thanks to the more than 400 of you, we have gathered many comments and virtual postcards to Obama on Facebook.  But we could always use more.  See the photos, write a comment, and join the group on our Facebook site today.