The Channing Memorial Church Social Action Committee meets on the third Tuesday of every month (with the exception of July) at 7PM in the Channing House Library. All members and friends of the church are welcome to attend. For more information, contact the committee chair at or call the church office at (401) 846-0643.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Opportunities to Give to Haiti Relief

Hello everyone,

In the post immediately below this one is information on how to donate to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee / UUA Haiti Relief Fund.  The American Friends Service Committee also has established a relief fund which can be accessed here.

Both sites provide for online secure giving with credit card.

Both the UUSC / UUA and the AFSC (the Quakers) have established reputations for getting funds where needed quickly.  These organizations reflect our values as evidenced by their rapid response to this humanitarian tragedy.  The members of the Channing Social Action Committee urge you to give and give as generously as you can.

For the Social Action Committee,

Tom Beall