At its September meeting, the Social Action Committee adopted the following goals and objectives for the upcoming church year. These goals and objectives are aligned with the Channing Memorial Church Strategic Plan:
GOAL I: Design and support programs that address local community needs and that encourage involvement by diverse members of the local community.
Objective A: Conduct research into potential targets for allocation of Margit Baum Funds to support the intent of the bequest. Report results at November 2009 meeting.
Objective B: Develop recommendations for allocations of Margit Baum Funds for consideration and approval by fund committee.
Objective C: Support Universal Breakfast Program in Newport with goal of 2009 institution of program.
Objective D: Support extending Food Stamp availability in Rhode Island.
Objective E: Support Channing Soup Kitchen.
GOAL II: Increase the Congregation’s social action influence beyond the local level to include in Rhode Island and among the district and national Unitarian Universalist Community.
Objective A: Continue and increase Channing’s involvement in state and national legislative ministry.
GOAL III: Develop opportunities to increase Congregational awareness and activity in social action.
Objective A: Invite Rev. Richard S. Gilbert to conduct a service and workshop for the Channing Congregation and interested persons from the Ballou-Channing District.
Objective B: Support Green Congregation Committee in its pursuit of certification by end of church year.
Objective C: Support Channing Interweave Chapter in its pursuit of its goals.
Objective D: Coordinate with the Director of Religious Education the closest possible integration of social justice and social action awareness and activity in the religious education program.
Objective E: Educate and engage with the Congregation on the issue of socially responsible investing.
Objective F: Coordinate with the Minister to develop and present services and / or adult enrichment programs that address war and peace, violence in our society, and hate speech.
Want to get involved? Contact Social Action Co-Chairs Tom Beall or Sally Hanchett at